Tonight’s pilot episode of Channel 4’s dark new drama, Run, focused on one of four key characters, Carol Wheeler, played by Broadchurch star Olivia Colman, who is emotionally torn as to what do when she finds out her two sons have beaten a man to death – tell the police or protect her children?
Carol is a single mum who lives on an estate with her two unemployed sons, Dean and Terry. She scrapes together a living working in a factory whilst supplying illegal immigrant, Ying with electronics stolen from the factory in order to buy a flat-screen TV, to keep her Dean and Terry off the streets and out of trouble.
However, whilst physically assaulting his girlfriend on the estate one night, Dean noticed a passerby who was watching the violent events unfold and consequently beat him to death, whilst his brother, Terry, watched, leading to a full-scale police investigation.
At first, Carol’s two sons denied the murder, but as Carol grew increasingly suspicious and started to find clues, such as the victims blood on Dean’s hoody’s sleeve, she started to realise the truth. After finding her son’s girlfriend making out with another boy, Carol threatened to reveal she was cheating unless she told her what happened with her sons.
At first Carol protected her children by disposing of the blood-stained hoody but as time went by, she had second thoughts as the final scene saw Terry and Dean being arrested during a flat-raid.
Best Moment: Picking a ‘best moment’ from Run proves extremely difficult as the intense drama had us hooked from start to finish, But one scene in particular that we found particularly emotional was the final scene, in which Carol broke down in tears as police raided her flat and arrested her sons, as she sat crying at the kitchen table.
Random Moment: A particularly poignant yet endearing moment was when Carol hit the pub karaoke with her friend for drinks,and fake Gucci purse in hand. The pair sang True Colours together which was perhaps one of the only times in the episode where we saw Carol with a smile on her face.
Verdict: Undeniably one of the most compelling pilot episodes of any drama we’ve recently watched. The acting was faultless and the storyline is enthralling. This is a brutal yet realistic look into life on an estate and has Bafta written all over it
Source: – Run channel $’s new drama has BAFTA written all over it